Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Tis' official. The IRS received our paperwork and Out of the Gray is off and running. (send money) It seems like it's taken forever (send money) to become something more than (send money) an idea on cyber-paper and yet considering how many dreams (send money) never make it out of the closet, so to speak, this has clipped (send money)along at a respectable (send money)pace.(send lots and lots of cold, hard cash)(pretty please) I'm just glad we're not going to be one of those grabby, annoying, blatant types of charities. (with a cherry on top) We plan to be subtle and handle our pledge requests with elegance and not an ounce of pandering. (if you don't send lots of money, baby Jesus will cry) (and your lips will fall off)(it's true~we know Gypsies)Thank you for your support and please continue to keep this venture in your thoughts. Stay posted! (and send money) (if you know what's good for you)

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